Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This has been making the rounds of the blogs and lists and now here. It is too good not to earn yet another comment and question. Why can't more of our utilitarian everyday realities of life be this attractive and thoughtful? It so reminds me of my grandmother's tatted lace.

Have two FO's, one needs blocking and the other is languishing on the board drying. Will have to take photos later.

This year my xmas gift to me was a four-harness used table loom. It has been sitting lonely and unused in the living room since I brought it home from Acton. This weekend I am off to Meara's to see the babies (This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing her--two months almost) and take a class with Deborah Jarchow and learn how to dress the darn thing. Stay tuned.

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