Saturday, October 17, 2009


The postman's bag is getting heavier again. The first of the bounty o' books (there are at least three more on the way) arrived last week but Internet problems at home make it hard to post.

I have long been a fan of Jane Slicer-Smith, though have never made any of her designs as they seem to be available in kit form. This book was worth the wait and more than passes the "three items I might knit" test. She has designed a gorgeous collection of drapes that would be lovely in many of the handspun yarns in my collection. I can hardly wait to tackle them but still have the Halloween costumes to finish!

Packing for SOAR starts this week. Wahoo!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This is too cute--these women knitted a replica of their entire village. I don't know how long this article will remain active, but check it out as it has pictures of the actual buildings.

I still want to knit Zora the garden for her bed and this is real inspiration to get it done. It seemed like such a major, and it is, project when I knit the first test square earlier this year but now that I no longer have the conference as an excuse...
