The trip north on the train while a bit grueling had some very lovely scenery. My seatmate ended up being a member of the Ventura guild going to the same event. Small world.I was lucky enough to have been able to stay with GLASG alum moved to Oregon, Elissa at her lovely ranch. The donkey's greeted me when I arrived and were more than thrilled to have my left-over carrots.The BSG show was great and while I could have spent a grip, I did restrain myself and only came home with some of Chameleon Colorworks new twice dyed fiber which I will share some other time.Three days were sp
ent dyeing with Nancy Finn. The first day was devoted to dye small silk strips working from solids to mixed colors. I ended up with some very good samples and some good ideas on how to achieve desired colors. Now to find the time to play around.In the next two half-day classes fiber and yarn were dyed in our own colorways. I ended up with a couple of potential warps that I plan on weaving up as soon as I get the project currently on the loom woven off.While there I went with Elissa to pick up her new puppy an adorable Bouvier who was too sweet. Needless to say I came home with serious puppy lust which I am struggling to control.
Labels: Black Sheep Gathering, dyeing, Nancy Finn